Mohamed Kouhou

Mohamed Kouhou

Data Engineer

Paris, France

About Me

Graduated in MIAGE Business Intelligence from the University of Paris Dauphine with a solid background in artificial intelligence from ENSEIRB-MATMECA, I have significant expertise in data analysis, data integration solutions, and data modeling. My professional experience includes roles in data analysis at Ligentec and data engineering at Société Générale where I worked with data engineers and architects on various stages of the data pipeline, including data acquisition, integration, and real-time analysis.


Retail Banking Data Apprenticeship

Oct 2022 - Sept 2023 · Société Générale

Data Analytics Internship

Feb 2022 - Aug 2022 · Ligentec SA


Master's Degree in Business Information Systems and Data Analysis (MIAGE)

2022 - 2023 · Paris Dauphine University, Paris

Thesis: Survival analysis methods for detecting the risk of financial fragility

Exchange Year - Artificial Intelligence

2021 - 2022 · ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Bordeaux INP, Bordeaux

Data Engineer Degree

2019 - 2021 · National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (INPT), Rabat

Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles (CPGE) (MP)

2017 - 2019 · Lycée Reda Slaoui, Agadir

Thesis: Convolutional neural networks for automatic driving of an autonomous vehicle


Connected Components Search in a Graph

Implementation of the “CCF Fast and scalable connected component computation in MapReduce” algorithm with PySpark and DataBricks on GCP using Google Web Graph data.

SSL Junior ~ Enseirb IA

Development of an AI to pilot robots for an SSL Socker Junior team for the Robocup competition. Use of DDPG (reinforcement learning) architecture and a simulator for robot training and strategy.

Web scraping project for

Extraction of ad data from the website with BeautifulSoup, cleaning and transformation of this data, creation of an analytical study of prices and highlighting of real estate price trends, presentation on dashboards.

Convolutional Neural Network for Self-driving Cars

Training a convolutional neural network to drive an autonomous car

Soccer player performance analysis

Comprehensive BI project for analyzing soccer player performance

Disaster detection on Twitter

NLP for sentiment analysis of tweets collected from a Twitter API. The aim was to detect whether a tweet was about a disaster or not.


Power BI


  • Running
  • Reading
  • Video Games
  • Cooking