Building a Real-Time Stock Market Data Pipeline with Apache Kafka and Cassandra

July 1, 2024

Building a Real-Time Stock Market Data Pipeline with Apache Kafka and Cassandra

In today’s fast-paced financial markets, the ability to process and analyze real-time data is crucial. I recently embarked on a project to build a real-time stock market data pipeline using Apache Kafka and Cassandra. This project not only enhanced my understanding of distributed systems but also provided valuable insights into handling high-volume, time-sensitive data.

Project Overview

The goal was to create a system that could:

  1. Continuously stream stock market data
  2. Process this data in real-time
  3. Store the processed data for further analysis

To achieve this, I chose Apache Kafka for data streaming and Apache Cassandra for data storage, with Python as the primary programming language.

The Architecture

The pipeline consists of three main components:

  1. Kafka Producer: Reads stock data from a CSV file and streams it to a Kafka topic.
  2. Kafka Consumer: Consumes data from the Kafka topic and writes it to Cassandra.
  3. Cassandra Database: Stores the processed stock market data.

Implementation Details

Kafka Producer (

The producer script does the following:

  • Connects to a Kafka broker
  • Reads stock data from a CSV file using pandas
  • Continuously samples and sends data to a Kafka topic

Key features:

  • Error handling for producer initialization and data sending
  • Configurable data sending rate

Kafka Consumer (

The consumer script:

  • Connects to both Kafka and Cassandra
  • Creates necessary Cassandra keyspace and table if they don’t exist
  • Consumes messages from Kafka and inserts them into Cassandra

Key features:

  • Error handling for consumer initialization, Cassandra setup, and data insertion
  • Dynamic JSON parsing for flexible data structure

Kafka and Cassandra Setup (

This script provides step-by-step instructions for:

  • Setting up Kafka on an EC2 instance
  • Installing necessary dependencies
  • Configuring Kafka for public access
  • Creating Kafka topics
  • Testing the setup with console producer and consumer

Challenges and Learnings

  1. Scalability: Configuring Kafka and Cassandra to handle high volumes of data was challenging but crucial for real-world applicability.

  2. Data Consistency: Ensuring that data remained consistent across the pipeline required careful error handling and transaction management.

  3. Performance Tuning: Optimizing the performance of both Kafka and Cassandra required deep dives into their configuration options.

  4. Cloud Deployment: Setting up the system on EC2 provided valuable experience in cloud-based distributed systems.

Future Enhancements

  1. Implement real-time analytics on the streaming data
  2. Add a web interface for real-time visualization
  3. Incorporate machine learning models for predictive analysis


Building this real-time stock market data pipeline was an exciting journey into the world of big data and distributed systems. It showcased the power of Apache Kafka for real-time data streaming and Cassandra for scalable storage. This project lays the groundwork for more advanced financial data analysis and could be extended to handle various types of time-series data.

The complete code and setup instructions are available on my GitHub repository. Feel free to check it out, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions!